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Quotes & Tenders

The Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 govern how the City of Albany undertakes its purchases. The legislation provides a guide to officers' decision-making to ensure that purchases are equitable and transparent to suppliers of goods and services, and that the City receives best value for money.


Current Tenders (works valued over $250,000 exc GST)

All current Tenders for works valued over $250,000 (exc GST), pre-qualified supplier panels and expression of interests are advertised on the City of Albany's VendorPanel tender portal.

Registration with VendorPanel is free for suppliers and is a platform widely used by many organisations across the Country, including WALGA (WA Local Government Association).

View Current Tenders

Current Tenders (Opened prior to VendorPanel)

Current Tenders that opened prior to the implementation of VendorPanel. Use the Major Quotation Request Form below to request these Tender documents.

Please see below for a list of our current Request for Tender:

Reference Number Title Closing date/time
C24002 Middleton Road Resurfacing and Cycle Link 26th September 2024, 2:00pm (AWST)

Current Major Quotes (works valued between $30,000 and $250,000 exc GST)

A major quotation is conducted in an environment where the level of risk associated with the purchase less than that of a Tender.

Please see below for a list of our current Request for Quotations:

Reference Number Title Closing date/time

Major Quotation Request Form

Please request major quotation documents by completing the Request Form below.

Please contact the Procurement Team on (08) 6820 3232 if you have any queries.

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General Conditions of Contract

Unless otherwise agreed, the City of Albany's General Conditions for the Supply of Goods and the Provision of General Services Apply to all Purchase Orders and Contracts.

General Conditions of Contract - Goods & Services

Purchasing Policy

To download the policy please click on the link below.

Purchasing Policy (Tenders and Quotes)

Type of purchase Purchase amount Minimum requirements
Minor Purchase A purchase from $0 to $2,000 One (1) verbal quote
Minor Quotation A purchase from $2,001 to $5,000 Two (2) verbal quotes
Intermediate Quotation A purchase from $5,001 to $30,000 Two (2) written quotes
Major Quotation A purchase from $30,001 to $250,000 Three (3) written quotes
Tender A purchase over $250,000 Tender process (through Procurement)

Minor Quotation

Minor quotations can be acquired without the use of a Quotation Form. They can be obtained by a number of methods including telephone, fax, email, mail or over the counter.

A minimum of one verbal quote is needed for amounts from $0 to $2,000.

Two verbal quotes are required for amounts from $2,001 to $5,000.

Two written quotes are required for amounts between $5,001 and $30,000 and these quotes are to be recorded and placed on the relevant file.

Major Quotation

The Request for Quotation form is to be used for this category, which requires a minimum of three written quotations.

This category covers purchases between $30,001 and $250,000 and all quotations will be issued and received by the Procurement Officer.

A Major Quotation received after the advertised closing time shall not be considered unless there exists clear evidence that the Quotation was posted or transmitted before the closing time.

To download advertised major quotations see list above under 'Current Quotes and Tenders'.


The City is required to undertake certain statutory procedures when a purchase is expected to be $250,000 or more. For high-risk purchases, less than $250,000, Council will undertake a more stringent assessment. These procedures ensure that an open, fair and competitive process is available to those wishing to supply the goods or services to the City. When performed effectively, the process will result in the City receiving the best value for money for the purchase of significant goods and services (this does not always mean the cheapest).

All or any tenders are not necessarily accepted. Canvassing of elected members, employees of the City of Albany or any member of a selection panel will disqualify the tenderer. Tenders will not be accepted via fax.

A Tender received after the advertised closing time shall not be considered unless there exists clear evidence that the submission was posted or transmitted before the closing time.

To download current tenders see list above under 'Current Quotes and Tenders'.

Buy Local Policy

The purpose of the City of Albany Buy Local Policy is to facilitate local economic development by encouraging the retention of the City's expenditure within the local economy.

A price preference will apply to quotations of $30,000 value or greater, and all tenders invited by the City of Albany, for the supply of goods and services and construction (building) services, unless Council resolves that this policy not apply to a particular tender.

Businesses located within the municipal areas of Albany, Denmark, Plantagenet, Jerramungup and Gnowangerup (Prescribed Area) can claim a preference of 10% for goods and services and 5% for construction related major quotes and tenders.

To qualify as a local business/contractor, a supplier must meet the following conditions:

A permanent office in the Prescribed Area for at least six (6) months prior to bids being sought;

Permanent staff based in the Prescribed Area;

That bidding and management/delivery of the majority of the quotation/contract outcomes will be carried out from their business location in the Prescribed Area.

To download the policy please click on the link below.

Buy Local (Regional Price Preference) Policy

Tender Register

The City's Tender Register can be found below and is included to meet the provisions of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 Part 4 Division 2 (17).

2021 Tender Register

2022 Tender Register

2023 Tender Register

2024 Tender Register