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No. 24 Aberdeen Street, Albany - HCWA Place No. 2        

Historic heritage

On this page

Heritage List Heritage-Protected Place Development Works Historic Heritage Framework Local Heritage Survey Conservation Projects References & Resources

Heritage List

Local governments are required to adopt and manage a heritage list of places that are of local cultural heritage significance, in accordance with the Planning Regulations. Places that contribute to Albany's heritage are entered on the City of Albany Heritage List.

City of Albany Heritage List

Heritage-protected place

A ‘heritage-protected place’ has statutory protection outlined under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015, and includes places:

  • included on a local heritage list;
  • within a local heritage area;
  • entered on the State Register of Heritage Places;
  • under consideration for entry on the State Register of Heritage Places;
  • subject to a heritage agreement under under the Heritage Act 2018
  • subject to an order under the Heritage Act 2018.

Development works 

A development application is required for works proposed to a heritage-protected place prior to commencing any works. Fees are waived where an application is solely required because a property is a heritage-protected place.  

Before lodging your application:

  • Seek preliminary advice from a heritage consultant or architect, prior to commencing detailed designs of a proposal for substantial works 
  • Contact the City's team/Heritage Consultant with your proposal
  • Prepare a heritage impact statement if required - see information below
  • Is the property on the State Heritage Register? - see information below
  • Local heritage listed only? - see information below

Ready to lodge?  Lodging your application

Heritage Consultant
Email 6820 3040

[email protected]


North Road office

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm

Heritage Impact Statement

Do you need a heritage impact statement

Where alterations or additions are proposed to a heritage-protected place a heritage impact statement will be required, unless the maintenance, repairs or works are of a minor nature.

Please contact the Planning and Development Services team to clarify and discuss the proposed works and requirements for a development application. 

The impact statement is submitted with the development application and should include the following:

  • confirm the Level of Significance of the place, identified in the place details on the Heritage List
  • include the Statement of Significance prepared for the place (outlined in the individual Place Record Form or accessed from the place entry on inHerit)
  • describe the works proposed and provide rationale behind the extent of the work proposed
  • outline the potential impact on existing original built fabric and the overall cultural significance of the place
  • outline how the potential impacts will be mitigated/addressed
  • include details of proposed construction/reconstruction methods and materials and finishes to be used

Information to assist in completing a heritage impact statement is available from the City's Heritage List, Local Heritage Survey and Place Record Forms (inHerit)*.

* Copies of individual Place Record Forms are also available on request through the Planning and Development Services team. 

Heritage Guidelines and Technical documents

The DPLH Historic Heritage webpage provides information on:

  • Obtaining advice on maintaining and developing places on the State Register
  • Works to places on the State Register that require formal referral to DPLH Historic Heritage
  • Minor works to places on the State Register that don’t require referral to DPLH Historic Heritage
  • inContact directory of heritage trades and professionals
  • insuring of and buying and selling heritage places

DPLH website  Heritage Impact Statement Guide Preparing an Archival Record Guide Buying and Selling Heritage Property Development & Maintain Heritage Places

Development works for State Register Places

Development applications for places on the State Register are required to be formally referred to Heritage Council and DPLH for comment, unless the proposed works are minor, or when formal written advice has already been obtained by the proponent, prior to lodgment of a development application.

Please include any formal advice obtained from DPLH, as part of your development application.

For preliminary advice and to confirm if the works require formal referral and/or other additional requirements it is recommended to contact either:

  • DPLH Historic Heritage team; or
  • the City’s Planning and Development Services team

DPLH website

    The DPLH Historic Heritage webpage provides information on:

    • Obtaining advice on maintaining and developing places on the State Register
    • Works to places on the State Register that require formal referral to DPLH Historic Heritage
    • Minor works to places on the State Register that don’t require referral to DPLH Historic Heritage

    Development works for Local Heritage Places

    Places that are listed on the Local Heritage Survey only and not identified on the City's Heritage List are not heritage-protected places and therefore do not have the same level of statutory protections.

    However the City encourages the conservation and adaptation of these places where possible, as they contribute to the social and cultural values and history of the locality. For advice on proposed works to a place identified on the Local Heritage Survey, please contact the Planning and Development Services team.


    Yakkan Toort Dog Rock

    Yakkan Toort - Dog Rock

    Historic Heritage Framework

    Places that contribute to Albany's heritage are entered on the Heritage List. The City of Albany's heritage list is informed by its local heritage survey.  There are also over 90 places in Albany listed on the State Register.

    The City of Albany adopted its Heritage List and Local Heritage Survey in October 2020.

     City of Albany Heritage List  City of Albany Local Heritage Survey  inHerit - Our heritage places

    State Register of Heritage Places

    The State Register of Places is a statutory list of places that represent the story of Western Australia’s history and development. 

    There are over 90 places in Albany listed on the State Register, inclusive of individual places that are part of the Stirling Terrace Precinct.

    The Level of Significance for places on the State Register are identified on the City's Heritage List and Local Heritage Survey are identified as Exceptional-Registered. 

    These places can be found on the inHerit website:

    inHerit - Our heritage places

    The protection and conservation of places identified on the State Register is administered through the Heritage Council of WA and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), in accordance with the Heritage Act 2018, the Heritage Regulations 2019 and State Planning Policy 3.5.

    Local Historic Heritage Framework

    Legislative Requirements

    Local governments are required to adopt and manage a heritage list of places that are of local cultural heritage significance, in accordance with the Planning Regulations. A local government's heritage list is informed by a local heritage survey.

    Local governments are required to prepare and adopt a local heritage survey in accordance with the requirements of the Heritage Act 2018 and State Planning Policy 3.5 Historic Heritage Conservation.

    Garrison BarracksGarrison Barracks building - Albany Forts - HCWA Place No. 26 

    Level of significance of places

    The Heritage List and Local Heritage Survey classifies individual places based on their level of significance:

    • Exceptional - Essential to the heritage of the locality. Rare or outstanding example
    • Considerable - Very important to the heritage of the locality.
    • Some/Moderate - Contributes to the heritage of the locality.
    • Little - Has elements or values worth noting for community interest but otherwise makes little contribution.

    The Heritage List and Local Heritage Survey replaces the previous adopted Municipal Heritage Inventory (MHI), with the level of significance classification identified for each place replacing the previously used categories.

    Local Heritage Survey

    Local Heritage Surveys are periodically reviewed and updated. If a place is not identified on the Local Heritage Survey but is considered by the community to contribution to the local cultural heritage significance, it can be nominated by the community for consideration by the City to be included in the Survey.

     A Local Heritage Survey is required to be adopted by a local government for the purposes of:

    1. identifying and recording places that are, or may become, of cultural heritage significance in its district; and
    2. assisting the local government in making and implementing decisions that are in harmony with cultural heritage values; and
    3. providing a cultural and historical record of its district; and
    4. providing an accessible public record of places of cultural heritage significance to its district; and
    5. assisting the local government in preparing a heritage list or list of heritage areas under a local planning scheme.

    Thematic framework

    Local heritage surveys and previous municipal heritage inventories are informed by a thematic framework. The City of Albany thematic framework is currently under review.

    The current thematic framework from 2000 is available to view as part of the previous City of Albany Municipal Heritage Inventory Review. 

    Albany Local Thematic Framework

    Previous Albany Municipal Heritage Inventory documents are available via the links listed below:

    Albany Municipal Heritage Inventory
    MHI Review 2000 - Introduction and Background
    Inner Albany Areas A-M
    Inner Albany Areas P-Z
    Outer Albany Areas

    Please contact the Planning and Development team if you have any queries regarding the City's Local Heritage framework.

    Conservation Projects

    The City owns and manages a number of important heritage buildings and places and is committed to maintaining these places for future generations to enjoy.

    The City has recently undertaken a number of important conservation and restoration projects to its stock of heritage buildings and places.

    All maintenance and restoration work is guided by the nationally-recognised Burra Charter, which defines the basic principles and procedures to be followed in the conservation of Australian heritage places. The Burra Charter recommends traditional techniques and materials for the conservation of heritage buildings and the City abides by this guiding principle.

    Select one of the links below to access information on some of the City's conservation projects and managed historic heritage places:



    References and Resources

    Further historic heritage reference and resource information are available via the links listed below:

    Albany Local Thematic Framework 

    City of Albany Local Planning Strategy 2019 Parts 1 & 2 (ALPS) and Local Planning Scheme No. 1 

    Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 

    National Trust WA, including Strawberry Hill / Barmup 

    Burra Charter