1. Complete the following forms:
- Application for Development Approval
Development Application Form
- Additional information for Development Approval Advertisements
Additional Information for DA for Advertisements
2. Relevant fees
3. Two copies of site plan - show location of sign
4. Two copies of floor plan - if appropriate
5. One copy of elevations - showing dimensions and location of all signs.
For forms, fees and to submit your application refer to Development Applications page.
Development Applications
1. Complete and sign the Sign Licence Application form
Sign Licence Application
2. Relevant fees
3. One copy of plans drawn to scale of not less than 1:50 showing size, position, design and inscription to appear, the method of construction and fixing of the sign for which the license is sought
4. Detailed Structural drawings (signed by a Practicing Structural Engineer).
For fees and to submit your application refer to Applications - Building Permits page.
Applications - Building Permits