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Completed Projects

Middleton Beach Foreshore Enhancement

This project is a realisation of the adopted Foreshore Management Plan and a $9 million partnership between the Commonwealth Government, DevelopmentWA (formally known as LandCorp) and the City of Albany.

It is intended that this project will bring a number benefits, including; coastal protection measures, improved drainage and water treatment, provision of service infrastructure, promenade treatments, enhanced public facilities, access and amenities and event space creation.

Since the completion of Stage 1 coastal protection sea wall & civil works in 2020, the Middleton Beach Foreshore Enhancement Project has achieved a number of significant progress milestones including main carpark extension and enhancement, new service access and disabled access parking to 3 Anchors, and parkland landscape upgrades have been carefully sequenced to maintain public access to the foreshore and beach at all times.  This has involved running concurrent works packages in Ellen Cove, central and northern Promenade, and Albany Surf Club surroundings concluding in December 2021.  Additional State Government stimulus funding (administered through DevelopmentWA) has made further upgrades within the Ellen Cove precinct possible, with Stage 3 commencing in 2022.  

 Middleton Beach  Project Poster

Stage 1 Sea Wall _Information Board

Stage 2 Landscape _ Information Board

Middleton Beach Foreshore Enhancement Nov 2020  

DevelopmentWA (formerly Landcorp) Activity Centre

DevelopmentWA Activity Centre Information 

2022 - 2023 Works


Asset renewal works  commenced in the Ellen Cove amphitheatre in August 2022. 

Please take care in the area while works are in progress.  The jetty and boardwalk will remain open but some modifications to access may be required intermittently.


Asset upgrade works  commenced in the northern parkland between the Surf Club and the Caravan Park in August 2022. 

Works include the replacement of picnic shelters, lighting and bbq, new pathway connections, and formalisation of the dune maintenance edge.  

Please take care in the area while works are in progress.  The dual use path and surrounding parkland will remain open but some modifications to access may be required intermittently.


The following project areas received additional funding through WA State Government and will be completed by mid 2023.

a) Northern Landscape Area (between Big 4 and Surf Club)

Works completed to Dec 2022

  • Promenade extension from Surf Club to Caravan Park
  • Partial upgrades to lighting
  • Carpark enhancement – retaining walls and garden beds

Works to be completed by End 2023

  • Asset upgrades – picnic shelter with lighting & furniture, path connections, northern beach shower
  • Complete park lighting upgrades
  • Make good turf, irrigation, dune planting and formalise edge
  • Signage & interpretation

 b) Ellen Cove & Amphitheatre Upgrade 

Works completed to Dec 2022

  • Lower terrace stone wall reconstruction
  • Lighting
  • Partial seating and picnic facilities

Works to be completed by June 2023

  • Mid & Upper terrace stone wall reconstruction
  • Seating and picnic facilities
  • Signage & interpretation and artwork
  • Formalise connection between concrete promenade and stone beach access stairs
  • Some embankment stabilisation measures near drainage outfall, planting and fencing


In May 2022 the City undertook consultation on one of the important components of the Stage 3 funded works as part the Development Approval process, the “Jetty Link”.  A summary of results can be found here:

  • Of the survey respondents 15% were in favour of the proposed design,  85% were against in proposed design - of those 36% would be supportive of an alternative design alignment that had less impact on the natural setting.
  • A subsequent review of alternatives could not establish a viable option for a new direct on grade link to the Jetty, due to the presence of underlying granite, the steep nature of the topography (both natural and engineered), the narrow corridor width and the fixed location of the boardwalk structure, and the prohibitive cost and impact of retaining walls and earthworks on the natural landscape character which the community wishes to preserve.
  • A modified scope of works will address improvements to the boardwalk pathway link, embankment and beach access connections, and will be tied in the with stone wall and furniture asset upgrades within the amphitheatre terraces.  Works will commence in August 2022.
  • Please refer attachment for detailed responses received:

Summary of Feedback Received - Jetty Link May 2022


Information on the DevelopmentWA Activity Centre & Hotel Site 

  • Following the Development Application approval for 6 innovative new homes (Duettes), the builder procurement process continues.  
  • Progress continues with civil works, with the next phase to include subdivision and public infrastructure.  

more information :

Emu Beach Foreshore Management Plan

The City has produced a Foreshore Management Plan (FMP) for the Emu Beach and Emu Point areas. This is part of the Emu Point to Middleton Beach Coastal Adaptation and Protection Strategy which the City has been developing since 2013.

Emu Beach Foreshore Management Plan

Emu Point to Middleton Beach Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP)


At the City of Albany Ordinary Council Meeting on the 17th December 2019, Council adopted the City’s first Final Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) for the Emu Point to Middleton Beach area. The Final CHRMAP combines all of the relevant information from the CHRMAP process into one final report, including all the relevant reports and feedback from the community. A copy of the final CHRMAP report can be found below:

CHRMAP Implementation Plan 

The CHRMAP Implementation Plan is a succinct easy to read standalone document that provides an overview of the CHRMAP process and details the recommended management options for the key assets at risk.

CHRMAP Implementation Plan FINAL

CHRMAP &  Appendices


CHRMAP Appendices

The City’s Final CHRMAP report has resulted in 11 recommendations which are contained in the CHRMAP document and Implementation Plan. These recommendations will enable the City to make more informed coastal management decisions in the future and provide direction for how the City’s coastal hazard risks will be managed until the next review is required. The City’s CHRMAP will be updated and reviewed every five to ten years, and in accordance with the State Planning policy 2.6

State Planning Policy No. 2.6

State Coastal Planning Policy Guidelines


Alison Hartman Gardens

Alison Hartman Gardens was an important but underutilised community space in the heart of Albany’s city centre. The gardens contain considerable cultural and historical value, located on York Street between the historic education site and  student accommodation development with connections to the Visitor Centre and Public Library.

The enhancement of the gardens play a vital role in creating a vibrant social hub, a welcoming atmosphere that will appeal to all ages, a place for visitors to unwind and connect, and an improved space for families and community events.

Community Update Alison Hartman Gardens February 2019

Albany Tourism & Information Hub

Albany Visitor & Information Hub

Albany Public Library Stage 1

Albany Public Library Stage 1

Albany Library Courtyard

Albany Library Courtyard

Changing Places_Water Front Facility

Changing Places _Water Front Facility

King River Bush Fire Brigade

King River Bush Fire Brigade

Co-Op Building Restoration

Co-Op Heritage Building Restoration

York Street Noongar Seasonal Banners

York Street Noongar Seasonal Banners

Centennial Park Stadium & Sports Fields

Centennial Park Stadium & Sports Fields

Centennial Park Cricket / Soccer Pavilion & Sports Fields

Centennial Park Cricket / Soccer Pavilion & Sports Fields

Albany Agricultural Society Sheds

Albany Agricultural Society Sheds

National Anzac Centre

National Anzac Centre

Desert Mounted Corps & Padre White Lookout

Desert Mounted Corps & Padrew White Lookout

Princess Royal Fortress

Princess Royal Fortress

Anzac Peace Park

Anzac Peace Park

York Street Upgrade Stage 1

York Street Upgrade _ Stage 1

Stirling Terrace Upgrade Stage 1

Stirling Terrace Upgrade_Stage 1

Town Square Community Space

Town Square

Harry Riggs Albany Regional Airport _Stage 1

Harry Riggs Albany Regional Airport Stage 1