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Five vacancies for local government elections 2023

Published on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 at 12:51:28 PM

City of Albany residents will be given the power to shape the future of their city when the 2023 City of Albany Local Government Elections take place on 21 October.

Four Elected Members vacancies are open for election, in addition to the Mayoral position. This will lead to the election of a new Albany Mayor, as current Mayor Dennis Wellington has announced his retirement and will not be seeking re-election.

The upcoming elections will be the first for the City of Albany since the ward review was undertaken in October 2022 which resulted in Council resolving to abolish the ward system.

This means residents will have the opportunity to vote for any candidate of their choice and are not limited to those who have nominated to represent a specific geographic area.

This shift aims to foster a more inclusive and diverse process, giving residents the chance to select representatives who align with their visions for the city as a whole.

Ballot papers will look different this election as local governments across the state transition from a First Past the Post Voting system to an Optional Preferential Voting system as part of the State Government reforms.

This gives residents the flexibility to rank their preferred candidates in numerical order of preference rather than having to select only one overall candidate.

Mayor of Albany Dennis Wellington said being on council in any capacity is incredibly rewarding.

“I have been honoured to serve on Council and contribute to the growth of our city. Working alongside dedicated colleagues and engaging with community has been a truly fulfilling experience,” he said.

“While I won't be seeking re-election, I look forward to witnessing Albany's continued progress under new leadership.

“I encourage all residents to use their vote wisely as it has the power to have a significant impact on our local community. Understand who is worthy of your vote and what beneficial change they can make to Albany over the next four years.”

Postal vote packages will be sent to residents from the middle of September and can be returned by post or dropping them off at the City of Albany Administration Building on North Road.

Nominations for an Elected Member position or the position of Mayor open on 31 August and close on 7 September. For more information, potential candidates can go to

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