ADHD Parent Training Program
Past Event
Join Susan Hughes (Master of Education), an accredited coach with lived experience for this FREE parenting series. Susan’s research shows the benefits of coaching for parents raising children with ADHD. This principle-based course covers:
• Up to date information on ADHD and how ADHD impacts on your child’s ability to carry out daily tasks
• What does being a ‘good enough parent’ mean today?
• Parenting strategies and tools which are known to work with ADHD
• Managing defiant behaviours and setting boundaries
• Understanding how your emotions impact how you parent
Session 1 & 2: 31 Aug 9.30am - 2pm (lunch provided)
Session 3: 7 Sep 9.30am -12 noon (online option)
Session 4: 14 Sep 9.30am -12 noon (online option)
When: Saturdays AM - 31 Aug, 7 Sep and 14 Sep 2024.
Where: Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre, 219 North Road, Albany
FREE – Bookings Essential.
Creche provided subject to availability
T: 0448 137 192
E: [email protected]